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Feedmill SoftwareValley Agro2020-09-15T02:17:35-05:00
Sudenga – SI-2000 Batching System
Computer Features
- Windows XP operating system
- Dual hard drives with RAID controller for fault tolerant data redundancy
- All information and history stored in ODBC compliant database
Batching Panel Features
- Real time process controller running independent of computer
- All input/output relays are optically isolated to insure long and problem free operation
- Two speed major and micro ingredient motor outputs
Software Features
- Unlimited formula, group and location information storage
- Group phase feeding lists based on weight on phase, days on phase, weight or days, or both
- Select able flush ingredient, amount and mix time for each formula
- Automatic ingredient freefall compensation
- The operator can select the order in which the ingredients are batched
- Select able minimum and maximum deviation for each ingredient
- Track inventory on-hand and cost of each ingredient
- User can set recorder point for each ingredient
- Hand add inventory, cumulative usage and formula cumulative usage tracking
- Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) for computer and batching panel
- NTEP approved scale indicators
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