Monitoring bin levels has never been this easy!
In a glance, the LevALERT Indicator shows you the level of material in your bin while you remain safely on the ground. Whether you fill your bins once a year or several times a day, LevALERT save you time, labor, and most importantly, money.
The Mechanics are simple: As your bin material reaches the LevALERT Indicator, it pushes against the rubber activator, turning the color tube from BLACK (Empty) to a fluorescent YELLOW color indicating that your material has reached its level. When material recedes it automatically darkens again…ready for the next fill.
The LevALERT Indicator can sense almost any granular bulk solids ranging from powders to pellets that weigh between 15 and 100 Lbs./cubic foot (240-1,600Kg./ cu.M). Typical uses include: agricultural grains and feeds, plastic pellets, fertilizer, minerals, various cement powders & sand, etc… just about anything you’d store in a bin.
LevALERT Feautres:
Easy Installation: Fully assembled and ready to install from outside your bin
High Visibility: Can be easily seen from 200 feet, day or night
No electricity required: completely mechanical
Adaptability: Easily accessorized with an optimal electrical sensor to activate horns, lights, motors, etc..
Increased Safety: Virtually eliminates the need to climb bins to check their levels
A money saver: Greatly improves your operation by saving you time, wear and tear on equipment… and your body. You only need a second to check how full or, sometimes more importantly, how empty your bin is.
… Now there’s a bin level indicator with all the features you need, just look for the Black Diamond.